KILLuminati And The Connection With Tupac

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The Don Killuminati : The 7 Day Theory was the final album finished before Tupac Shakur’s death and the first to be released after his death. Tupac had complete creative input on the album from the name of the album to the cover which Tupac chose to symbolize how the media has crucified him. The album was completely finished in a total of seven days (lyrics were written and recorded in only three days and the production only took four more days) during the month of August of 1996 and these are among the very last songs he recorded before his fatal shooting on September 7, 1996.

Death Row released this posthumous album under the name of Makaveli, a pseudonym derived from the Italian politician Niccolo Machiavelli, who supposedly faked his own death and reappeared seven days later to take revenge on his enemies. Shakur was greatly inspired by Machiavelli’s works, including The Prince, which he had read while in prison.
The Don. The next part of the title means, simply, in Italian terms, the leader or boss of an organization.
Killuminati As you can see, Tupac decided to attach the word Kill, or letter K to Illuminati. I am assuming the reader knows about the Illuminati, but, in short, they are believed to be infiltrating political, economic, educational, and religious institutions in an effort to initiate plans of a world dictatorship.

Tupac’s connection:

Tupac obviously believed in this and publicly took his stand against it, as did Martin Luther King, they both died for doing so, now is this coincidence, or the fact that the Illuminati do really rule the world? If we but all the meanings together in English we see that, The meaning of Tupac’s album title is, “Tupac: The Leader Of Killers Of The Illuminati
So this clearly means that Tupac thought of himself as been the leader of the Killuminati cult, against white dominance, not racist, but to give all people a fair stab at life and not be blinded by what the Illuminati, rulers and government tell us. I leave it for you to dwell on, visit the links below for full info, as I’ve only scratched the surface.

For Tupac and his following, Killuminati represented a global revolutionary change. A spiritual awareness, a mental change, and a change in the destiny of AFRIKAN people. They believed in the Illuminati and that all non white people were being held down by this force. Killuminati initiates change in the mind, the body, and the spirit of AFRIKANS, while being conscious of the enemy the Illuminati. They believe that the Illuminati are the same elite group who brought black people to slavery, the same people thought by many to run the world today, with the same values and goals. They have since only changed faces and improved upon their methods of exploitation. Killuminati was created to do away with the nonchalant, regressive attitudes of AFRIKAN people world wide. And that this attitude stems from the worst crimes in world history Imperial/Colonial invasions of the free world, and the AFRIKAN slave trade. Killuminati stands to end this cycle of exploitation and oppression. Tupac wanted his people to emerge and place the highest focus upon formal education, specialized training, and political, cultural, and spiritual cultivation.

Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, JFK, John Lennon, Tupac Shakur. Tupac’s 1996 murder was easily explained by the media as a byproduct of the ongoing East Coast/ West Coast feud. But since his death, those that have followed Tupac’s career with much passion have learned this was not the case. His life was one filled with controversy, and it is quite fitting that his death be just as controversial. Like the before mentioned names, his influence and following was very strong – and it was for this reason he was a threat to the ruling elite. It is believed that Tupac first learned about the Illuminati while in prison. In his later years, Tupac became more and more interested in the group. And of course, the Illuminati became more and more interested in Mr. Shakur. In fact, his lyrics began to make mention of the Illuminati, and on many albums tried to expose those watching him. Born in prison to a Black Panther, Tupac’s bold and dissenting voice would eventually lead him to a fate identical to the revolutionaries above.

So now we know a brief, and I stress brief, knowledge about the THEORIES surrounding a group called the Illuminati, we im hoping we can now work out what Killuminati means in this case. KILLUMINATI is Global Revolutionary change. A spiritual awareness, a mental change, a physical change, an a change in the destiny of AFRIKAN people. They believe in the Illuminati and that all non white people are being held down, hence there has been no black presidents in the richest countries of the world etc. KILLUMINATI initiates change in the mind, body, and spirit of AFRIKANS, while being conscious of the enemy, the Illuminati. A website states that “The Illuminati are the same group of elitists who brought black people to slavery, the same people who are thought by many to run the world today, with the same values and goals. They have since only changed faces and improved upon their methods of exploitation. KILLUMINATI is a path way to Traditional Spiritual Communal Overstanding. KILLUMINATI is here to do away with the nonchalant regressive attitudes of AFRIKAN people world wide. This attitude stems from the worst crimes in world history, Imperial/Colonial invasions of the free world, and the AFRIKAN slave trade. KILLUMINATI stands to end this cycle of oppression and exploitation. The slave trade and slavery of AFRIKANS has cast an unsolved problem on AFRIKANS. We must emerge and place the highest focus upon formal education, specialized training and political, cultural and spiritual cultivation.”

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