How Fans of Tupac Feel About ”All Eyez on Me” Movie

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Project Title: Tupac Fans and All Eyez on Me

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to better understand how fans of Tupac feel about the new film, All Eyez on Me.

Time: You will be interviewed through phone or Skype. The interview will last between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on how much you have to say. The interview will be audio recorded for transcription purposes.

Voluntary: Your participation is voluntary. You may quit at any time and you may refuse to answer any question.

Risk: There is a minimal risk involved with the study, meaning that there is no more risk than you would experience in your daily interactions.

Benefits: The benefits to participating in this research study include the opportunity to get exposure to the research process and to take part in an academic study that will help contribute to the understanding of Tupac fans’ feelings about All Eyez on Me.

Confidential: Your identity will not be revealed in transcripts, written documents, or verbal presentations of the data. The following steps will be taken to protect your identity and confidentiality.
1. Personal identifying information will be eliminated from documents and any reporting of the data.
2. Names/aliases will be changed on the documents.
3. Participants can refuse to answer any question asked.
4. All data will be kept on a password protected computer in a locked office.

Contact: If you have any questions or concerns regarding this study, please contact Dr. Amanda Nell Edgar at If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, contact University of Memphis Campus Institutional Review Board at 901-678-2705.


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