On April 11, 1992, Tupac performed live at Prince’s ”Glam Slam West” nightclub in Los Angeles, California. Tupac is on stage along with his half-brother Mopreme Shakur and Dana Smith aka Mouse Man.
Coolio tells the story of Tupac in this club, but on another day.
Were you close with Pac? Do you have any stories?
Coolio: What? I tried to mentor Pac. We were peers, but he was a lot younger than me. One night we were at Prince’s club Glam Slam. [Compton MC] King Tee, he had a drinking problem, was there and he sees Pac wearing a burgundy bandana. Tee tells him to take it off, and Pac refuses. Then Tee tries to snatch it off of Pac’s head, so — bam! — he gets socked in the face. The fight spills out of the club, and now they’re separated. Pac crosses the street to where his crew is, but Tee follows him over there to talk more shit.
All these guys start whooping his ass, like…
[Stands and kicks the couch furiously with both legs; our recorder falls off the arm.]
So I run across the street and get over him. [On all fours.] And I yell, “Pac, make them stop!” He’s like, “Cool, you saw him! He started it!” And I’m like, “You know he’s a drunk!” So Pac calls them off and helps me up, like, “He’s lucky you were here.” And he was, too. I picked up Tee and pretty much carried him back.