1992-04-29 / Tupac gets involved in the LA Riots

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Tupac gets involved in the 1992 LA Riots. – The riots erupted on April 29 after a trial jury acquitted four LAPD police officers of the use of excessive force in the videotaped arrest and brutal beating of Rodney King following a high-speed police chase.

2Pac interview with Swedish reporter about L.A. riots

Video shot by amateur cameraman George Holliday from the balcony of his Lake View Terrace apartment shows what appears to be a group of police officers beating a man with nightsticks and kicking him as other officers look on; the clip aired on KTLA.

March 3, 1991, The brutal beating of Rodney King by the Los Angeles police

On April 29, 1992, a jury in Ven­tura County ac­quit­ted four LAPD of­ficers of beat­ing Rod­ney G. King. / Video

The beating, caught on am­a­teur video­tape, sparked a na­tion­al de­bate about po­lice bru­tal­ity and ra­cial in­justice. After the verdict, angry crowds gathered on street corners across Los Angeles. The in­ter­sec­tion of Florence and Normandie in South L.A. became the flash point, but it was a scene eer­ily re­peated in many parts of the city in the hours that fol­lowed.

4-29-1992 Young boy in crosswalk has just thrown a rock at photographer's car as others run around the intersection of Florence and Normandie outside Tom's Liquor and Deli. The store was later looted. / latimes.com
4-29-1992 Young boy in crosswalk has just thrown a rock at photographer’s car as others run around the intersection of Florence and Normandie outside Tom’s Liquor and Deli. The store was later looted. / latimes.com

The 1992 Los Angeles riots, also known as the Rodney King riots
Date: April 29 – May 4, 1992, Los Angeles, US
Causes: Reaction to acquittal of policemen on trial in beating of Rodney King
Casualties: Death(s) – 55, Injuries – 2,000+, Arrested – 11,000+

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