
DL Book: From Friends to Enemies as Told by Dexter Isaac

A Brooklyn prisoner named Dexter Isaac, currently serving a life sentence for other crimes – a man has admitted to shooting Tupac Shakur in 1994 after allegedly being paid $2,500 dollars by James...

Support Tupac’s Engineer, Tommy D Campaign To Relese “The Makaveli Book”

Tupac was a man on a mission when he walked out of a prison cell and into Death Row Records’ studios in the fall of 1995. From October of that year to...

New Book: ”2PAC – Me Against The World” by Maxime Delcourt (French)

Tupac Shakur is one of the most famous American rappers whose success has contributed to the global commercial explosion of rap in the 1990s. Twenty years after his death at the age of...

The Books Read by Tupac

One Hundred Years of Solitude Written by: Gabriel Garcia Marquez 1984 Written by: George Orwell Ah, This! Written by: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh All God's Children: The Boskett Family and the American Tradition of Violence Written by: Fox Butterfield All You Need...

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